Lukkas Einherjar

crystal • mateus

a son of the far east, but ishgard born; an ex-dragoon of the dragonsong war.
betrayed early in life by his homeland's false ideals, he sought to live his own life, by his own means.


NAME: Lukkas Einherjar
AGE: mid 20s
BIRTHDAY: 1st Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon
RACE: Far Eastern Hyur
HEIGHT: 5 fulms 11 ilms


Lukkas is an easy going, laid-back man that approaches most things in life with a certain degree of open-mindedness and measured grit, but greatly values his own privacy and solitude. He at times feign laziness as a deterrent of sorts, his desire to be of use only described as being hot or cold with no in-between.Regardless, he can be charming but a far cry from a pure goodly samaritan, his words and actions often crass, blunt but endlessly teasing to those he holds most dear. Everyone else garners his practiced cordiality, though when those times his patience is short, he does not hesitate to make his incredulousness apparent.Jokes and surface seeming unwillingness aside, he works hard and is proud. With enough arm twisting, he can also even be helpful without making too much of a verbal fuss.

Loyal, Hardworking, Responsible, Open, IndependentIntroverted, Cautious, Sensual, Progressive, SarcasticImpatient, Distrusting, Compulsive, Melancholic, Passive


PROFESSION: maelstrom captain & forgemaster at the zantetsuken forge
HOBBIES: working out, horseback riding, reading, playing the piano
INTERESTS: caring for animals, collecting things, casual smoking and drinking, sex, many art forms
ALIGNMENT: chaotic neutral
VOICE CLAIM: Wriothesley (jp)
SINGING CLAIM: Park Byeong Hoon (kr)


Hardly of noticeable stature, Lukkas stands as tall as any Hyur, muscular as befit an adventurer, but with a slim waist and a face some would would describe as a pretty boy with light gold eyes and tanned complexion.His black hair is often unruly, with bangs slicked back and constantly falling loose, with two long braided extensions behind his right ear that wind into golden clasps and crystalline arrowheads.A deep red scar mars his face, across his nose and over his left cheek, as with another that crosses the corner of his lips. Splashed over his left temple, a golden, almost metallic, indistinct marking seems to continue down in a spiral down his neck and arm in a coil of dravanian-like scales with a lenticular effect. It is accented by harsh dark wave-like inks and soft pink lotus flowers, an artistry done unto him by a dear friend.He tends to lean into attire that flatters his form or shows it off, and despite his attitude, he is quite prideful in his appearances.


Lukkas is the eldest of two siblings, born of the union between an Othardian samurai and a Hingan expatriate dragoon in the Holy See of Ishgard. Though he and his younger sister were not always well received by their peers for their most curious upbringing, they lived happily enough in their adoptive grandparents' modest estate. He remembers them fondly as simplier days: studies and shirking them, picking fights, doing what should have been his sister's chores, harassing the students at the Astrologicum, and being overly curious of the dravanians and the world beyond--something spurred on by his father, unknowingly. But he loved, and he was loved.
Until one day, his father was said to have perished in battle. News the family scarcely had time to process, let alone mourn, as on that same year, his mother was accused of heresy. She won her life in trial by combat, but was exiled by the Holy See, along with Lukkas' sister, Natallya, and were never to be seen in Ishgard again.Deeply saddened by the loss, Lukkas forced himself to train and eventually join the ranks of the Temple Knights by the time he was 15 summers old. The boy had an innate gift to learn with poise, and in a few short years, he rose to the helm of Dragoon as his father before him. Scorned as he was though by Halone and his country, he grew to be a strong but reckless fighter. He tried to pick up trades to bide his time and eventually moved on to much less savory interests, but it did him little in renewing his passion.Days were spent living sunrise to sunrise, in quiet lament and regret, with companions that came and went for better or for worse.At night, he was plagued with strange and ominous dreams, that unbeknownst to him, awakened a deep, latent ability. But before he could see it as a boon, Halone saw it fit to spit upon his face, and he was robbed of his best friend. As she took flight on webbed wings, Lukkas was deemed as "cursed" by those he thought to call friends.But were they his friends...? He saw those things that they did. What they would do, if they ever....Then the Calamity would befall Eorzea and he could do naught but watch it unfold from behind stone walls. Battles and skirmishes came with a more chilly edge in the moons to come, and worse yet, he felt his "enemies" speaking to him in tongues he previously thought incomprehensible. One by one, his allies turned their gazes away and conspired against him. He left behind his loving grandparents out of fear for their safety and sequestered himself. Yet he could not find it in himself to just end it, not when he still bore the slightest hope to reunite with his remaining family.So he joined those "friends" on an expedition, well aware of their plots--only turn it on them, and more. He would spiral, further and further into the abyss, with one solitary friend that could no longer speak back. Thus he began a cycle of "cleansing" that followed rules of his own making, all to fulfill a sense of justice he found lacking--to feel something, anything at all.

Eventually the chanted words from the dravanians that haunted his nightmares became feverish scribblings in scattered tomes, soon discovered by prying eyes. Eyes that suspected him as they did his mother before, of heresy, and worse. But before any of it could come to head, and Lukkas be dragged to trial, a great wyrm attacked their encampment. In the frenzy, he merely seized the opportunity to eradicate the underbelly of pestilence that had finally come out of hiding, until the wyrm descended on him and judged him as his chosen.Einherjar. When the dust had settled, the wyrm bestowed his eyes upon Lukkas, only to succumb to that same song he had heard so many times before. The man would put him down before collasping in the snows. The experience left him with marring red scar with dragon-like scales that marked Lukkas' brow to a spiral down his left arm--and yet, he had no memory of the event past the wyrm's name and so he took it as his own. And he would flee, Ishgard be damned.He would find refuge in Coerthas, all the while concealing his identity, and made plans to make way to the last place he had heard his mother and sister to be: Gridania. He'd tried to win the graces of the Elementals and the locals in aiding their restorative efforts while investigating what he could about his estranged family. In the end, the path paved by the Calamity proved to be a short one and he'd find naught but whispers of their passing by, and eventual disappearances on the fields of Carteneau. Somehow, he always knew. And perhaps deserved it.His drive torn from him again, he would fall back on his old vices to get by alongside his adventurer work and making few friends. Shortly thereafter, Lukkas would find himself succumbing to near fainting spells, visions of a mind not his own and at times, a ruthless and beastly rage that would seem to take him rarely, but often enough. It was troublesome, but not enough for him to really seek help--and instead, he left the Shroud with nary but a bag on his shoulders and no clear destination in mind.The road would lead him to Ul'dah--there, he found more success in making proper footing: in the guilds, doing deeds as an adventurer and craftsman and the coliseum, as a fighter and sometimes something more. Eventually, he garnered the attention of a crafty Thavnarian business man--and through him, the attention of Scions of the Seventh Dawn. The Scions helped him to realize the truth of his then-felt affliction--the Blessing of the Echo--but he had his doubts. They then bade Lukkas join their order for the betterment of the realm.

Under the tutelage and sponsorship of that Thavnarian merchant, Yonah, Lukkas and a few trusted friends founded the Zantetsuken Forge, a sect under the East Aldenard Trading Company and Rowena's House of Splendors. They would expand from Ul'dah while recruiting in the company, eventually made way to Limsa Lominsa, where Lukkas joined under the banner of the Maelstrom.
Having embraced a life of normalcy (as normal as one can get anyway), he lives as modestly as he can, finally among family and friends.


WoL (canon)

In his time with the Maelstrom, he crosses paths with the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. Their persistence proves to be more than just a thorn in his side, he joins almost out of a desire to prove to himself that he just can. And he might learn a thing or two about himself--and the aether inside him that he desperately wants to control.The rest of the story plays out as it does in MSQ, with Lukkas as a co-WoL in a party of others.


He mostly has a front as a forgemaster at the Zantetsuken Forge and continues to travel the world to craft and deliver wares. He seems much more aimless, despite apparently also being busied with all the work he allows himself to be hired for -- anything from a mercenary, to your wingman, to your house sitter.Very much along for the ride, but trying his best to have a good time. Might be a little exhausted, but it doesn't stop him.

Something more...

  • A jack of all trades; Formerly a Temple Knight and a trained Dragoon of Ishgard, he's versed in warfare: his best with a lance, a katana and his fists, his least favored being anything magically inclined. But any that might have followed him on this journey of learning might say he learned quite quickly, as if it were all innate somehow. Said ability he mostly lends to the Maelstrom in present days and in past in the ring as a gladiator in Ul'dah, and his experiences are wide spread. But he can be convinced to take on most manner of jobs, provided the right compensation and motivation.

  • The moving Zantetsuken Forge; As a forgemaster, he is not only adept with metals, but also with cloth and thread, though it's more of a hobby than anything he provides as a service. He mostly works under the order of the East Aldenard Trading Company and Rowena's House of Splendors. He finds himself in all sorts of locales as a result, and he considers himself a decent traveller (but not a very good salesman, he has people for that).

  • Likes your cat more than you; He likes animals and beasts a lot, the cute and the not-so cute. He's pretty good at containing his excitement over creatures, but it's definitely something that lights his eyes up. One of his best pals is a morbol. It's fine, he doesn't stink.

  • A monk, in theory; The art was taught to him by a fellow monk, mostly the ability to channel aether and harness its power. But as for actually believing in any of what makes a monk a monk, from the system of beliefs to even the actual fighting style and flair, that remains to be seen.

  • Ishgard, born and raised; It's a place he certainly acknowledges to be from, but seems to have no attachment or apparent loyalty to. His mother was of Othardian descent, and his father had come from Hingashi, but he can't even pretend to know the place. He has difficulty--or perhaps reluctance--feeling as though he hails from any which place and admits often to have no real sense of belonging.

  • An aberrant force and unusual ink; Anyone versed in art of the ink could plainly see the golden dragon that scales his arm is not ink at all. One might also see that the waves and flowers that surround it act as a focus for an aether in his body that is -- to the discerning eye -- ancient, erratic and very much not entirely his own.

  • Deeper still, a mirror image; A keener eye still could see something more that even Lukkas isn't aware, a presence that, on the surface, appears to be just like him. Dormant for the most part, but should you be aware of it, it will be aware of you.

OOC Info

playerlukkas (lol) 
dc + worldcrystal + mateus 
time zonemst 

Thanks for reading through this card if you did, I really appreciate it.Admittedly, I RP in-game very rarely and try to limit it to venues I'm visiting or those rare occasions I have my tag up. I can't pre-plan RP terribly much because of my irl/raid schedule, sorry!Though Lukkas is another WoL alongside the main one in my own stories, the Lukkas I play for public rp is a simple life AU as just another man that lives in his day by day for himself and those that he considers his family and friends. Depending on how he might want to see things through, he can be a logical voice of reason or an enabler.He can be a bit flirtatious or responds to it in kind, but please understand that I am not interested in making any romantic connections for him or explicit ERP.That being said, I do enjoy most types of RP, can go between posting just dialogue and para, and would require any players I interact with to be at least 21+. And as always IC =/= OOC. I require communication and to give consent for anything that removes Lukkas' autonomy or wounding him.